
Todos los números de Acta Bioethica (desde 2000 a la fecha) están disponibles en formato PDF en los sitios:

Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Most important bioethical dilemmas of people with long term disabilities


  • Laura Rueda Castro Universidad de Chile
  • Orquídea Miranda Zúñiga


The difficulty to achieve full participation and social integration of people with handicap is recognized at world level, situation that involves fundamental ethical values. The application of bioethic principles directed towards the professional chore under a new paradigm will signify an important contribution.

Bioethic dilemmas, such as informed consent and the person's participation in making decisions that affect his own life, imply a challenge, the delivery of appropiate and opportune information, the development of professional behaviors that will favor the autonomy and recognition of these people as valid speakers.

As to the subject of sexuality, professionals should allow everybody's integral development, recognizing sexuality as the human being's fundamental aspect, and faced to which you/they are entitled to be guided and educated taking into account their biographical history and what each one expects of his life (self determination). Therefore, they should be considered fundamental bioethic principles, such as Justice and Autonomy.


Bioethical principles, disability, informed assessment, sexuality, integration.

Author Biographies

Laura Rueda Castro, Universidad de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional.. Licenciada en Filosofía, Licenciada en Ciencia de la Ocupación, Magíster en Bioética.



Orquídea Miranda Zúñiga

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Licenciada en Ciencia de la Ocupación. Master en Integración de Personas con Discapacidad.