This study aimed to examine the relationship between the burnout of physicians and nurses and their moral sensitivity during the pandemic. This was a descriptive and correlational study. This study was carried out with physicians and nurses who were continuing to work actively during the pandemic. Snowboard sampling method was utilized. The total mean score of the participants on the MSQ was 90.78±19.10. The total mean score of the COVID-19 Burnout Scale was 34.52±9.65. A statistically weak and significant correlation was found between the COVID-19 Burnout Scale and the MSQ total score, as well as the “benefit” and “conflict” sub-dimensions. It was determined that as MSQ total scores, “benefit” and “conflict” scores decreased in healthcare workers, COVID-19 burnout scores increased. In our study, the moral sensitivity of the participants was found to be moderate, and their burnout levels were found to be high. Although there was a weak relationship, it was observed that burnout levels increased as moral sensitivity levels increased. It is crucial that we learn from pandemic experiences and transfer this knowledge to future generations. In particular, we must assimilate these important lessons into training in order to develop and protect the moral sensitivity of healthcare professionals.
COVID-19 Burnout; Ethics, Healthcare Professional; Moral Sensitivity
Yılmaz, Şerife ., Özbek Güven, G. ., Demirci, M. ., & Karataş, M. . (2023). The Relationship Between COVID-19 Burnout and the Moral Sensitivity of Healthcare Professionals . Acta Bioethica, 29(2), pp. 229–236. Retrieved from