
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

The declaration of inapplicability for unconstitutionality of Article 5 No. 3 of the Code of Military Justice: The role of the Constitutional Court in the enforcement of the sentence of Palamara Iribarne case


  • Felipe González Ampuero Universidad de Chile, Chile


This article presents and discusses certain aspects of the judgments of the Constitutional Court, in which it is declared the inapplicability for unconstitutionality of Article 5 No. 3 of the Code of Military Justice. This provision allocates competence to the Military Courts regarding common crimes committed by military officials against civilians or other military officers. This article specifically analyzes the reasoning behind the majority vote of the judgments that refer to the question on whether the provision of the Code of Military Justice is compatible with the Constitution, the American Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Additionally, the article aims to determine if the Constitutional Court ought to play a role in the enforcement of the judgment of the Palamara Iribane case through the conventionality control mechanism, in relation to the adaptation of the Military Justice to the standards set by the Inter-American Human Rights System.


Constitutional Court, military justice, conventionality control, Palamara Iribarne case

Author Biography

Felipe González Ampuero, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Ayudante ad honorem de la cátedra de Derecho Penal Internacional, Universidad de Chile.