Varieties of Spanish in interaction: Domains of use and attitudes in a rural community


  • Aldo Olate Vinet Universidad de la Frontera
  • Mario Bernales Lillo Universidad de la Frontera


This research exposes the interaction between two varieties of Spanish spoken in the monolingual rural context. We analyse the interaction of standard and rural Spanish in use domains related with communicative events and social spaces. We present the perception that speakers have on the rural and standard register. The data were obtain through the application of sociolinguistic questionnaire answer by twenty speakers that live in La Generala, community located on the Nahuelbuta mountain range near to Santa Juana, Biobío region. The results allow as to describe the interactive processes between the varieties. We show the places where the speakers use this registers and some data about de linguistic attitude toward local Spanish.


linguistic interactivity, rural variety, perceptions of use, domains of use, sociology of language