Cognitive processing of Indirect Written Corrective Feedback (IWCF) of prepositional errors in Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)


  • Anita Ferreira Cabrera Universidad de Concepción
  • René Oportus Torres Universidad de Concepción


This study presents the results of a cognitive experiment in learners of SFL whose objective is to empirically examine processing rt and effectiveness of Indirect Written Corrective Feedback (IWCF), compared to Direct Written Corrective Feedback (DWCF) during the treatment of prepositional errors of de, por, para and con in SFL learners of levels A2 and B1. The results indicate that in the treatment of prepositional errors, it is the IWCF the one that generates higher processing rt both in level A2 and level B1. Likewise, IWCF would exert a greater influence of individual differences in written corrective feedback processing than DWCF, and this would also be greater in level B1 than in level A2.


cognitive processing of written corrective feedback, indirect written corrective feedback, response time (rt), prepositions por and para