Sociolinguistic representation of rurality by the means of simulated orality in two plays by Roberto Navarrete


  • Daniel Ignacio Pereira Universidad de Concepción
  • Patricia Henríquez Puentes Universidad de Concepción
  • Juan Pablo Amaya Universidad de Concepción
  • Nicolás Masquiarán Universidad de Concepción


Under the concept of simulated orality, this article provides a sociolinguistic characterization of two rural-themed plays by the Chilean dramatist Roberto Navarrete: El cochayuyero and La Mariposa en el barbecho. In order to achieve this, the phonic, lexical and morphosyntactic resources selected by the author to represent rurality in the texts were identified and, from that, a recentralization interpretation of rurality in the theater of the time is proposed.


sociolinguistic representation, simulated orality, theater, rural speech