The persistence of the ultramo nta n thought in Chile before the archbishop of Santiago succession, 1886.


  • Zvonimir Martinic Drpic Doctor en Historia y Profesor de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas. Universidad de Chile


The documents we transcribed were sent by the priest José Alejo Infante, the representative of the Vicar Joaquín Larraín Gandarillas, to the Vatican authorities. These documents cleary reflect the persistence of the ultramontane thought in Chile, and also show the bitter opposition to the previous arrangements made by President Santa María and Monsignor Mario Mocenni for the archbishop succession in Santiago and bishops succession in Concepción and Ancud.


Chile, Archbishop succession, the Church and State conflict, President Domingo Santa María, religious and conservative opposition, ultramontane thought