The dilemmas of the typologies of electronic democracy



Electronic democracy (e-democracy), being the subject of classifications, modalities and typologies, has caused several problems that can be synthesized in the general dilemma: does the electronic version of democracy imply the transition to a regime that exceeds governments’ deficits, or will democratic regimes take advantage of electronic contributions to complement the constitution of their structures and the operation of their institutions, but only perpetuate their current state and structure? Establishing the dilemmas of both parties with a historical review and a typology of e-democracy models is the objective of this analysis. The results reach arguments to dissolve the dilemmas and provide criteria for a taxonomy that explains the mutual influences between ICTs and the demands of democracy.


Electronic democracy, democratic models, political participation, transition

Author Biography

Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala, Dr., Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala es doctor y licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Iberoamericana de México. Se encuentra adscrito al Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México.


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