Aspects of a triangular relationship in labour subcontracting: legal natural and scope of the duty of care of the principal company with respect to employees of contractors and subcontractors that work in his work or labor


  • Paula Eugenia Donoso Vergara Asesora en Materias Legislativas del Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno (1999-2008), participando en la elaboración de numerosos proyectos de ley.


This article discusses the type of relation that it arises between the actors who intervene in the labor subcontracting, focusing the analysis in the safety obligation that the law assigns directly to the principal company respect of subcontracted employees who work in his work or task. The contract of work that joins the contractor or subcontractor with the employee expands his effects towards the principal company, a third side that is not a part of the labor relation, but that acquires own and immediate obligations as for health and safety, being constituted in one more debtor of the above mentioned obligation before the employee. The configuration of a trilateral labor relation in this aspect, examines from the definitions relative to the juridical nature and scopes of the safety obligation; the responsibilities that assume to the principal company and the application of the principles of the Labor law in such determinations.


Labor subcontracting, safety obligation, principal company, trilateral labor relation

Author Biography

Paula Eugenia Donoso Vergara, Asesora en Materias Legislativas del Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno (1999-2008), participando en la elaboración de numerosos proyectos de ley.

Abogada, Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Ciencia Política por la misma Universidad. Magíster en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social por la Universidad de Talca (Chile) y la Universidad de Valencia (España). Con especialidad en Derecho Administrativo y Nueva Justicia Laboral. Ex Subdirectora de la División de Organizaciones Sociales del Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno (período 2008-2010). Ha sido Asesora en Materias Legislativas del Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno (1999-2008), participando en la elaboración de numerosos proyectos de ley.