La búsqueda de la verdad en el proceso: una visión crítica del procedimiento laboral chileno


  • Francisco Javier Bilbao Bonomelli Universidad de Chile


The article discusses from the procedural law perspective, a critic view about the implementation of searching of the truth in the process. This study is based on the ideological contraposition of the publicist and the guarantee doctrines, pointing as well to explain how this doctrine’s has influenced the labor law. All of this, in order to develop an analysis of the Chilean labor proceeding, which allows realize the consequences in the adoption of the truth principle in the practical application of Law.


Searching the truth, publicist doctrine, guarantee school doctrine, truth principle, principle of impartiality, principle of equality, judicial activism

Author Biography

Francisco Javier Bilbao Bonomelli, Universidad de Chile

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.