
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

No. 14 (2011)
Informe en Derecho
Unconstitutionality of article 365 of the Criminal Code. Legal Report
Antonio Bascuñán Rodríguez, Jaime Couso Salas, Juan Pablo Cox Leixelard, Felipe de la Fuente Hulaud, José Ángel Fernández Cruz, José Luis Guzmán Dálbora, Héctor Hernández Basualto, María Inés Horvitz Lennon, Juan Pablo Mañalich Raffo, Gonzalo Medina Schulz, Guillermo Oliver Calderón, Luis Rodríguez Collao, Luis Emilio Rojas Aquirre, Miguel Soto Piñeiro
Jan 2010