The body is the biological structure of the human being. It determines man in his natural physical existence. Individual law subjects have a body over which they can decide what to do, directly or consensually, including the possibility of acts of indirect or imposed corporal interference. The person can aspire to a better body or use it for the benefit of others. The human body, as the physiological basis of personality, is protected within the framework of the hard core of dignity attributed to it per se. The right to acts of free disposal of the human body is the ability to do with our bodies what we believe best, provided that it does not go against the rules of public order, good manners or implies a decrease in integrity and health.
body, right to integrity, acts of bodily disposition, right to the body
Varsi Rospigliosi, E. (2019). The acts of free disposal of the human body. Acta Bioethica, 25(1), pp. 9–23. Retrieved from