The ethical barriers involved in the practice of pediatric palliative medicine remain high and challenging. In terms
of medical ethics, attention should be paid to culture, religion and family values, in order to promote adequate care for
caregivers, even in case of loss of a patient, promoting a bereavement process with less suffering. The data were qualitatively
analyzed by IRAMUTEQ software, with a high degree of significance of essay responses on ethics related to palliative care in
pediatrics. Discussions about prognosis, goals of care, and treatment options can be very difficult, as legally supported palliative
care alternatives may diverge from the wishes of the family. We conclude that divergences exist between the application of
palliative medicine and ethics regarding acceptance and end-of-life management of pediatric patients. Ethical challenges are
constantly complex situations in which palliative physicians must relate legal concepts, knowledge and family values, which
often conflict. The quality of palliative care depends initially on the ability of specialized professionals to identify and explain
the ethical issues that generate conflict or uncertainty, in addition to raising discussions with the family about the medical,
moral and legal issues surrounding the difficult situation.
pediatric palliative care, medical ethics, medical practice, palliative medicine
de Almeida Rocha, A. ., Freitas, L. ., Cesconetto, J. ., Rebouças, L. C. ., Salomão, V. B. ., & Nunes, R. M. L. . (2023). Pediatric palliative medicine in Brazil: an ethical reflection of medical practice. Acta Bioethica, 29(1), pp. 39–48. Retrieved from